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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Joomlalib issue about path (Dirty Solution)

Im not good writing so lets fix this.

You have Joomla 1.5 and want to install Joomlalib with Gallery2 Bridge then when trying to install Joomlalib 1.3.2 you got this:

Warning: require_once(/components/com_joomlalib/classes/jlcoreapi.class) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in "yourpath"/administrator/components/com_joomlalib/install.joomlalib.php on line 11.

when trying to install Joomlalib 1.3.2

just replace this: 
require_once($mosConfig_absolute_path . '/components/com_joomlalib/classes/jlcoreapi.class');

with this:
require_once($yourjommlapath. '/components/com_joomlalib/classes/jlcoreapi.class');

$yourjommlapath could be: /home/user/jommla

maybe late i could format this post :)

1 comment:

kross said...

loko pero no me chivatee eso... lol deja k no curemo k vain eh... lol